Download the Ever Onward brand book for guidelines on the campaign identity, writing styles and graphic elements.
Our world faces urgent, complex challenges that no one discipline, no campus alone can solve. Together — with leadership united across the University of Kansas and The University of Kansas Health System — we will work relentlessly to imagine a better Kansas and create a better world.
Ever Onward’s ambitious $2.5 billion fundraising goal will benefit society as it transforms the university, across all the schools on the Hill, KU Medical Center, The University of Kansas Health System and Kansas Athletics. The campaign’s broad and bold priorities will create meaningful change:
Campaign Mission Statement
Ever Onward matches passion with purpose to support the University of Kansas and The University of Kansas Health System, forging the path toward infinite possibility and a better tomorrow.
Campaign Name Usage:
Ever Onward — capitalize initial letter of each word and use plain text.
Avoid referring to “ever onward” in lowercase as a direction/sentiment during the campaign.
Ever Onward can be used as a sign off to a message, similar to Rock Chalk.
In digital mentions, link Ever Onward to the campaign site when feasible.
Ever Onward
Ever. Onward.
Ever Onward
Ever Onward
ever onward
Items to note:
On first reference, it is preferred to introduce Ever Onward as a fundraising campaign for the University of Kansas. Examples:
Campaign Tagline:
Toward Infinite Possibility — capitalize initial letters of each word. Reserve primarily for graphic treatments. Use sparingly in headers and subheads, as appropriate for the piece. Avoid use in body copy.
Campaign Name and Tagline Together in Headers as Text Only: Ever Onward: Toward Infinite Possibility
The Transformative Storytelling Formula
Before: What needs to change? Why? Who is helped?
Middle: What will money do? What is the donor making possible?
After: How has a life, future, place, field changed? In human terms, why does it matter?
An example of language that is less effective: The Division of Research, Innovation & Impact invests in the success of the state, the nation and the world by empowering university researchers, scholars and entrepreneurs to develop projects that push the boundaries of discovery and scholarly pursuit, launch breakthrough innovations and technologies, and deliver research that offers beneficial impacts to the public.
An example of language that is more effective: Whether it’s comparing properties of supermassive black holes using data from the James Webb Space Telescope or examining societal concerns through the lens of a camera or synthesizing drugs that regenerate bones in patients who have undergone radiation therapy, none of these activities are surprising for a major research and teaching university such as KU — until you learn that undergraduate students are conducting all of this work.
This is the preferred visual mark for the campaign. The Ever Onward logo was designed to be distinctive, durable and sustainable. It is bold yet simple. This allows it to adapt to the variety of school and department communications, as well as stand out from standard academic material.
Improper uses
Co-branding examples
The colors for the campaign are described here. Campaign materials should be reproduced only in the prescribed logo colors from the KU color palette.
Primary colors
Secondary colors
Publications and advertisements published for the campaign should use Gotham Narrow and Chronicle. These fonts feature a clean, contemporary look, enhance the readability of campaign communications, and contribute to the university’s image as a progressive institution.
Use of Links
In emails and on other digital media platforms, when “Ever Onward” is used to reference the capital campaign, it should be linked to The one exception is for event invitations that include a link to RSVP, where the linking of Ever Onward would compete with the call-to-action of the email invitation.
On social media, when posting about Ever Onward, the preference is to include a link back to the campaign homepage or other relevant campaign web page.
Branded Imagery
When campaign-related stories are shared on social media, they should be accompanied by an image that includes the Ever Onward branding in the upper right corner. This allows stories to be easily identified as campaign related.
Campaign Hashtag
For social media posts related to the Ever Onward capital campaign, #EverOnward is the preferred hashtag. The preference is also for social media posts to include a short descriptive phrase that identifies Ever Onward as our capital campaign. Examples are below.
Below is a list of shortlinks to the Areas of Support pages on
Stay Up to Date on the Campaign
While we strive for perfection, typos happen. Please report them.
1891 Constant Ave, Lawrence, KS 66047 | PO Box 928, Lawrence, KS 66044 | 785•832•7400 | 800•444•4201